Tags: 365901
Green Hydrogen Engineering Guide | Pedro María González Olabarria
- Marca: El Salto Editorial
- Disponibilidad: Fuera de Stock
- SKU: 1064748
Pedro María González Olabarria Green Hydrogen Engineering Guide Electrolyzers and auxiliary systems. Volumen 1 El Salto Editorial Páginas: 388 Precio: 1450.0 Disponible en 7 dias Estado: Nuevo Peso: 0.934 kgs....
Pedro María González Olabarria
Green Hydrogen Engineering Guide
Electrolyzers and auxiliary systems. Volumen 1
El Salto Editorial
Páginas: 388
Precio: 1450.0
Disponible en 7 dias
Estado: Nuevo
Peso: 0.934 kgs.
ISBN: 978-84-18719-27-1
This guidegives the readeran overview of how green hydrogen producton facilities are engineered. It covers the entire designcycle., from the high levelfunctionalduty to the detailed design.This volume is focusedon electrolysis technology( AEM, PEM..).auxiliary services andthe detailed study of the engineering cycle.Each engineering taskis described and illustratedwith documentation from real projects Unlike engineering books ofthis field which ussualy focus in electrolysis technology, this Works covers all engineering disciplines, attempting toprovide an useful tool for the design and engineering of complex green hydrogen EPC projects. Therefore, this book is an excellent tool for EPC contractors.