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Let me Live! | Luiz Sérgio de Carvalho, Pacheco Machado


By the Spirit Luiz Sérgio de Carvalho, Irene Pacheco Machado Let me Live! WorldSpiritistInstitute.org Páginas: 232 Precio: 1044.11 Disponible en 7 dias Estado: Nuevo Peso: 0.323 kgs. ISBN: 978-1-0880-2729-5 The...

By the Spirit Luiz Sérgio de Carvalho, Irene Pacheco Machado
Let me Live!
WorldSpiritistInstitute.org Páginas: 232
Precio: 1044.11
Disponible en 7 dias
Estado: Nuevo
Peso: 0.323 kgs.
ISBN: 978-1-0880-2729-5

The book is narrated by Luiz Sérgio himself while he is invited to join a rescue team for aborted and abortionists and then write a book about it.The spiritual friend shows us how women abort as many times as they drink water and their reasons, mostly pointless, for not wanting to have children.We realize that most of them take the lives of others for social reasons and do not take responsibility for their mysterious and secret adventures. We follow the rescuing of these aborted spirits, their frustrations and revolts. The book shows us the work done for these friends to reincarnate and the solutions found for them to come to the world if they are rejected by their initial mothers.Luiz Sergio describes how the abortion clinics are seen spiritually, in contrast with the fertilization places.The narrative combines visits with explanations about the problems with abortion, as well as drugs and sexuality. considering that both of these situations end up related to first the first one.The friendly spirit shows us along the way the difference between freedom and unbridled sexuality and the woman who pretends to be free, but in reality is an s, lave to her vices and attitudes.

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