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The principles of christian education and the confessional schools lutheran administration in the co | Marli Dockhorn Lemke

  • Marca: Dialética
  • Disponibilidad: Fuera de Stock
  • SKU: 527235


Marli Dockhorn Lemke The principles of christian education and the confessional schools lutheran administration in the co Dialética Páginas: 192 Precio: 847.97 Disponible en 7 dias Estado: Nuevo Peso: 0.294...

Marli Dockhorn Lemke
The principles of christian education and the confessional schools lutheran administration in the co
Dialética Páginas: 192
Precio: 847.97
Disponible en 7 dias
Estado: Nuevo
Peso: 0.294 kgs.
ISBN: 9786525265827

This work is developed from studies about the principles of the Christian Lutheran education and the administration of confessional schools in the context of the pedagogic ideas in the south of Brazil (1824-1997). This subject is of general interest, as it can be verified by the selection of articles published in the magazines of the Lutheran Churches in Brazil. This administration encompasses the director, the professor, and the parents, so that they may work together in search for a clear view of the mission, that is, the meaning of the existence of a confessional school. The aims of this research is to clarify questions in the History of Education, as well as in the administration of private and confessional schools. The following problem is raised: What are the Christian principles and the pedagogic tendencies and approaches which orient the administration of Lutheran confessional schools in south Brazil (1824-1997)? A survey of the publications of IELB (Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil) and of IECLB (Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana do Brasil), from 1824 to 1997. The year of 1824 was chosen because that year is considered, because of the German immigration, as the beginning of the arrival of the Lutheran ideas in Brazil. Max Webers comprehensive method is used because is adequate for the analysis. One may affirm that the social action management in a Lutheran confessional school continues to be the quest to make the Christian principles concrete.

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