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The Writer's House | Aguirre Estela, Marinzeck de Carvalho y otros


Lucía Aguirre Estela, Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho, By the Spirit Patricia The Writer's House WorldSpiritistInstitute.org Páginas: 210 Precio: 995.0 Disponible en 7 dias Estado: Nuevo Peso: 0.278 kgs. ISBN:...

Lucía Aguirre Estela, Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho, By the Spirit Patricia
The Writer's House
WorldSpiritistInstitute.org Páginas: 210
Precio: 995.0
Disponible en 7 dias
Estado: Nuevo
Peso: 0.278 kgs.
ISBN: 979-8737121631

The Writer's House is one the books from the succesful series from Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho and Patricia, series that include "Violets in the Window", "Living in the world of the Spirits" and "The Flight of the Seagull" all of the available by the World Spiritist Institute.In this book, Patricia is introducing us to a special place: The Writer's House. There, the spirits that would be mediums or writers are prepared. She shows us the influence of the spirits over the writers and all the dedication and preparation necessary to all messages transmitted would be messages that elevate the soul.

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