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Under the Border | Vega Guillermo, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester...
- Marca: WorldSpiritistInstitute.org
- Disponibilidad: Fuera de Stock
- SKU: 585143
Aeryn Vega Guillermo, By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, Vera Kryzhanovskaia Under the Border WorldSpiritistInstitute.org Páginas: 158 Precio: 935.0 Disponible en 7 dias Estado: Nuevo Peso: 0.24 kgs....
Aeryn Vega Guillermo, By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, Vera Kryzhanovskaia
Under the Border
Páginas: 158
Precio: 935.0
Disponible en 7 dias
Estado: Nuevo
Peso: 0.24 kgs.
ISBN: 979-885-305-402-8
Around the 1500s, in a period of many revolutions and fights, wrath and loathing were determining factors in peoples lives, in which the rivalry between a place and love for someone could be taken to extremes, setting logic aside.The plot also portrays some historical issues lived along the way, such as the fight of Russian people to maintain their traditions and religion against the German enforcement."Under the border" is a mediumistic romance written by Vera Kryzhanovskaia and John Wilmont, Earl of Rochester.